Payment Policy
How do We Accept Payments?. We offer Two method.
1 - Prepaid :- you can pay us online using your Debit card ,credit card, net banking or UPI
We use Payment Gateway service provided by cashfree. You will receive confirmation of payment and confirmation of order too together if you opt for prepaid method. cards supported are visa and Mastercard.
2 - Cash On Delivery - You Can Us Using COD ( Cash On Delivery ) Method For COD You Have To Pay Rs.49 Extra For Cash On Delivery Orders
"" does not store any of your information such as card no , cvv, bank details, the transaction is done in encrypted way that your details are with accessible to you and payment gateway that is Cashfree.
What if your money has been deducted and order was not placed it can be technical error in such cases your money will be sent back to your account in 24 hours according to rules and norms of payment gateway company .
What if you still didn't got money back?
you can contact us for such inconvenience:-
Email us:-